"Every Life has a path to follow"


The Centre for Life Path Integration is dedicated to helping you discover the purpose of your life. Although life has its challenges, every aspect, positive or negative, has lessons to teach. Through the lens of numerology, it is possible to understand the lessons your life path is unfolding around you and ahead of you. It will also show you the talents you have in your kit bag to help you navigate the path. Finally it will show you what you could achieve by walking that path.


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Testimonials “I didn’t expect my Life Path chart analysis reading to be so accurate and meaningful. I feel I know myself so much better than before and am able to put the jigsaw pieces of my complex spiritual and physical life into perspective and into place as well as making clear, essential links that I had not been able to notice or see before. The reading has helped me understand where my direction lies – and where I should put my energy and faith. And importantly has given me hope for the future.  Thank you for the chance to move another step forward in the right direction with confidence and hope.” Val, Cornwall, England