There are many ways of perceiving what is real, the most obvious being that ‘what you see is what you get’. However, many including theoretical physicists, are postulating that there are more dimensions than the three we readily acknowledge.  Ancient wisdom has always pointed to the concept that what we perceive as our 3D reality is in fact nothing more than a hologram.  Many religious texts talk of the beginning of creating starting as a thought.  If that is the case, then we exist as a result of some great, all encompassing ‘thought’.  Some go further to suggest that our reality is no more than a projection of thought, rather than the ‘solidity’ we perceive.  This can be taken further to encompass the possibility that what we deem to be ‘real’ is in fact a projection from ourselves.  This is a difficult concept to get one’s head around and I don’t dwell on it for too long, but it is useful to bear in mind as you go through life and meet obstacles.

One concept that does resonate strongly with me is that of life and the totality of all existence being a hologram. Just to recap, a holographic image is one where two beams of light are shone through a glass plate and create interference patterns that form an image beyond the plate that appears to the observer to be three dimensional.  This solidity is of course an artefact of the interference of the light beams.  How could this equate to our perception of reality in the context of a creative force?  Firstly there is the creator of the image plate- ‘the Word’- and then the shining of the light through; ‘Let there be Light’; the resultant ‘Universe’ or ‘Universes’ is/are a function of these two precursors.

mandala-610240__180Theoretical physicists have been speculating about particles, which have no mass and can only be ‘seen’ when they affect other particles.  The Ancient Wisdom talks of ‘Realms of Sprit’ that we cannot perceive directly but also have an impact on us.  Our current polarity consciousness -two hemispheres of the brain making us see things in isolation rather than a totality- seems to stop many from joining up what could be significant dots and realising that what has always been postulated by sages since the dawn of our consciousness, is now being measured by physicists using very large, expensive and powerful machines.


 What does this all have to do with holograms? Well it has been observed that if the image plate that forms the hologram is fractured into pieces, each individual broken piece is able, when it has the two beams of light shone through it, to recreate the totality of the image, albeit, fuzzier than the whole intact plate.  This in itself is difficult enough to conceive of but what it implies to me is even more profound. Assume ‘we’ and all that surrounds us is that plate that is animated by the ‘Light’, then we, each tiny piece of those shards of the plate are in fact the ‘whole Universe’, albeit fuzzier than it would be, if projected through the unbroken plate.  To ponder on this realisation is to come to the conclusion that the adage, ‘as above so below’, really had profound implications.  On the one hand, the whole Universe is within is and on the other, the whole Universe is incomplete without us!  ‘Unity Consciousness’ is a phrase much used today in certain circles. What the Holographic model is suggesting is that Unity Consciousness is not anything of itself but is only possible when all ‘Consciousness’ gains coherence in the same way that the interference patterns of light create what is deemed as ‘our Universe’.

What are the implications of this line of thinking and how does it impacts on our ‘Polarity Consciousness’? We see things as ‘either/or’ rather than a continuum, as is revealed to us through science and the study of the electro-magnetic spectrum.  We are right or wrong, black or white, positive or negative, polar opposites in other words.  Yet the holographic model shows us that we are in fact ‘the totality of everything’ and more than that, we are an indispensible part of that totality.  This is in sharp contrast to ideologies that promulgate a sense of ‘exclusiveness’, hierarchy and separation from the ‘Creative Energy’.  The Creative Source of All is not outside us, it is US!