We perceive change in a linear fashion and this is linked to what we think of as the passage of time.  We can see this unfold in our lives as we go through our developmental changes and also as we age.  However, when people become fixed in their life patterns they feel that life is not about changing but about standing still or worse still, about clinging on to a thought pattern, which then manifests as a set of outcomes in life that reinforce those thought patterns.  This stasis is often reinforced by gender, cultural, race and religious stereotypes.  Our environment and the people in it seem to be telling us what we cannot do, rather than what we can. It is all about the little ‘me’ rather than the big ‘Me’.  Besides the inevitable passage of time, it is in fact in our biological makeup that we replace our cells approximately every 7 years.  There are exceptions to this rule but the point to take away is that no matter how fixed you think you are, the only constant in your life is change.  This can be a useful reference point if you feel as many people do, that their life is stuck in a rut and there is nothing they can do to change it.  The first point to understand is that what ever rut you are in, it will be a new ‘you’ in that rut in 7 years time.  If this renewal is inevitable, then way not embrace change in your life as a matter of course? Focus on the big ‘Me’ and leave behind situations, thought patterns and people who reinforce the small ‘me’ in you.  When ever you hear the phrase ‘you cant do that’ step aside and say ‘why not’?  The ‘cant do’ in your life keeps you rooted to the spot.  Life is a process of becoming; embrace change and realising that the only thing holding you back is your acceptance of your small ‘me’.  Stop accepting and start becoming.