Frequently Asked Questions

How much do you charge?

The cost varies depending on the service, click here to see a list of prices.

How can my name define me?

From the dawn of time cultures have known that numbers seem to describe the world around them, probably the most famous number of all being Pi.  Both the Chaldean and Pythagorean systems of numerology has ascribed numbers to letters in their respective alphabets.  These numbers combine in various patterns and allow the reader to derive means that can be assigned to aspects of the person’s name.  This can best be shown by actually having a reading and seeing how illuminating your own name is about you.

Can I change who I am?

When a wife takes her husband’s surname, she also changes her life.  This is an observation often lamented by women, who find their lives change to a greater extent than their husbands.  Numerology would indicate that your birth name is your primary birth force, outlining your challenges, talents and goals, however taking a new name, or abbreviating the birth name, will infuse a new vibration and hence a new set of possibilities into your life.  A good case in point is when pop and movie stars change their names.  The people seem to take on a new persona with that name.  This does give anyone the possibility to change their names by deed poll and let new influences enter their lives.  However your birth name is still the dominant vibration you have to understand and learn to master.  A Life Path reading is the start of understanding who you truly are.

What does a Relationship analysis reveal to me?

As discussed in the previous FAQ, taking a new name can affect how you resonate to your primary birth name.  By the same token, the name of other people in your life, especially those that interact with you on a more constant basis, like parents, siblings, partners and children, all impact on the way you express yourself.  Understanding this deep-rooted influence in your life can help you navigate your interactions with these people and can also shed light on why certain patterns seem to occur with some people and not others.

How would Life Mentoring and Counselling benefit me?

Often in life we need to hear ourselves and one of the most powerful tools to allow this to happen is to share your hopes, fears and goals with someone.  They can resonate with your thoughts and help you, based on their own experiences, to navigate your challenges and reach your pinnacles.  I do not offer solutions but I will help you find your own solutions.

What is my background?

I have a Masters degree in Tropical Agriculture and a Ph.D. in Plant Physiology. I have worked for quarter of a century in Agricultural Development in South and East Asia, Africa, the Near East, the Pacific and Central America. I have managed large agribusinesses; been a marketing & agribusiness consultant and for the last decade I have worked for the United Nations, designing large agricultural projects for the World Bank.  During all this time, numerology has been my one abiding passion.