Someone asked me if the Law of Attraction means we can create our own reality, how is this then affected by the original Life Path we made before we were born? A secondary question was, can we affect someone else’s behaviour by the reality we wish to create.

Pondering this question the following thoughts came to mind; it is not just about what you want but what the intentions are behind that desire. The more heart centred the desire, the more in tune with the Universe your intentions will be and therefore the more likely for realisation of the ‘One Truth in All’.

Your Higher Self has a very clear agenda and your ego may not like title of the script it has been given and may wish for something else.  This is where you may find that all the intentions in the world do not seem to materialise the outcomes you desire.  This is where the Life Path you chose before you were born trumps all cards. Therefore aligning yourself to your ‘script’ is ultimately your highest objective.

We change the world by changing ourselves. This will send out ripples and where those ripples interact with another soul’s ripples, there is a possibility of there being a reinforcement of that particular wave of energy. In this way you have created a new reality with someone else. You remain the same, they remain the same but a new and hopefully positive perspective has come into being.