Life Path Chart Analysis


A life path chart analysis is a window that allows you to see the template you designed yourself before you incarnated. You set yourself lessons to learn and goals to achieve. To help you achieve them you also equipped yourself with talents that facilitate the process. Your personal template leads you towards an overall life objective, knowing that objective really gives you a focus in life.


“ Shine a light onto your own life purpose”

What is a Life Path Chart Analysis?

Every wondered why you are the way you are? Why despite your best intentions, you seem to be repeating the same mistakes over and over again? Have you wondered where you are actually heading and if there is a purpose to the challenges and outcomes you experience? The answers to these questions have been encoded into your birth name and your date of birth by you.  Using systems of analysis that have their roots in Hebrew numerology, it is possible to reveal a life path that you set yourself to follow.  Numerology will reveal how to integrate your life to resonate with your life’s purpose. In doing so, what were challenges will becomes lessons that when mastered will integrate into a complete, clearly defined patterns that is leading you to achieve your life’s destiny. We all have a mission in life, what is yours?

Mysteries of Personal and Family relationships

Personal relationships are mysterious at the bet of times but certain patterns seem to repeat themselves; why? Why do you get on with some people and not with others? The answer lies in the unique blend of abilities and personality traits you are born with.  These can be decoded and once understood, will help you negotiate the complex interactions that are personal relationships. Even the most challenging of relationships serve a purpose in helping us grow to better understand ourselves. However to be forewarned it to be forearmed and once you understand the underlying dynamic of your interactions with your nearest and dearest, you have the potential to stop treading on mines and negotiate a path that is mutually beneficial to all.

Reasons you may want a Life Path chart analysis

  • You wish to gain a better understanding of who you truly are
  • You wish to know if your life has a purpose beyond the mundane
  • You are at a cross-roads and seek clarity on the choices that lie before you
  • You feel that you are not moving forward and want to know how this can change
  • You find certain relationships or relationships in general challenging and want to know how you can change this

Who will benefit from a Life Path reading?

You will! The methodology used is a tool to help you understand yourself better, improve your relationships and the quality of your life.

Benefits of a Life Path chart analysis

  • Empowers you to live the life you planned
  • You will begin to see pattern to who you are and why you may be here
  • Your goals will be clearly defined and the talents revealed as how to get to your goals
  • The challenges you will face will be clearly articulated and you will receive guidance on how to overcome these challenges
  • Come to better understand the gifts you have and how to use them effectively
  • Gain a better understanding of your inter-personal relationships and how to nurture them
All sessions are paid for in advance.  MP3 recordings are made for your future reference. A chart that will assist you to understanding the reading will be emailed to you prior to the reading. It is advised that you print it as a reference.