These are some of the testimonials I have received from people I have given readings to

Kazim is very skilled and knowledgeable and my reading with him was illuminating and insightful and has increased my self-awareness in many unexpected ways. His clear guidance has helped me to see myself more fully and determine how best to develop myself. My reading has not only deepened my understanding of myself but also of the significant others in my life. This has been immensely valuable.


Northamton, England

The soul contract reading Kazim did with me was incredible, in many ways. First of all, Kazim communicated the reading with absolute clarity and kindness. At every point he sought my feedback and gave me an opportunity to ask questions. It was an enlightening conversation. The message he delivered was quite powerful. In its accuracy when referring to what I have experienced in the past – it helped me make sense of my journey so far. Also, it was as if I was being told the truth I already knew but somehow had forgotten. It was empowering to be reminded that I am here for a purpose, I am not a victim, and I have all the tools I need to learn lessons and to fulfill my life’s purpose. My perspective on life has shifted, and I am thankful for the message that was delivered through Kazim.


Rome, Italy

I didn’t expect my Life Path chart analysis reading to be so accurate and meaningful. I feel I know myself so much better than before and am able to put the jigsaw pieces of my complex spiritual and physical life into perspective and into place as well as making clear, essential links that I had not been able to notice or see before. The reading has helped me understand where my direction lies – and where I should put my energy and faith. And importantly has given me hope for the future.  Thank you for the chance to move another step forward in the right direction with confidence and hope.


Cornwall, England

Kazim’s reading is like a treasure chest! There are so many real and surprising gems in it. Who would know that so much is hidden in my numbers! I see now with more clarity where I need to grow personally and in my relationship. I also got a validation of my professional goals. The insights keep unfolding and I am really in awe of Kazim’s mastery.


Washington D.C., USA

Kazim’s reading has been an incredible gift in bringing light to my life path and purpose. The reading of the numbers was extraordinarily insightful and revelatory, and Kazim was helpful in exploring ways I might be able to apply it to my life. I feel I now have a structure through which I can explore my life purpose, work on the obstacles and the things holding me back, harness my gifts and strengths to carry me forward. Thank you so very much Kazim.


Cumbria, England

My reading with Kazim went beyond being just being “interesting”.   His knowledge is vast, and he combines it with a strong trust of his own intuition, resulting in extremely insightful observations. He delivers these with a rare mixture of warmth, honesty and humour.   His warmth means you don’t take offence at his honesty!  His honesty makes for a much more convincing consultation than polite pretense or unconvincing flattery.  His flashes of dry humour keep a potentially intense discussion well-balanced.  Underpinning everything else is the powerful natural healing energy that surrounds Kazim.  He doesn’t even mention it, but this very specific gift can facilitate necessary energy “shifts” during the consultation – which is valuable beyond measure. All of this adds up to a revealing exploration of aspects of yourself, and your life, in a secure and easy atmosphere.  As if you’re talking with an old friend, but with the freedom to say absolutely anything.  His illuminating counsel encourages constructive handling of personal challenges – whether from the past or present, external or internal, and also how to recognise and best use the unique strengths each one of us has. Kazim is keen to use his own talents to empower people to move forward with their lives – and I am certain he will succeed immeasurably through his valuable and compassionate services.


Kingston-upon-Thames, England

My SCR with Kazim was really a lovely experience.  I was extremely anxious about having the reading not having met or spoken to him before, I was uneasy to say the least. However within a minute of speaking with Kazim all my anxiety disappeared, I was totally open and relaxed. Kazim has a way of relating to the individual, that energy comes through very quickly and this for me is a beautiful gift, his wit is another layer a very important one. I like his courage to go against the grain and go with his intuition. I am really very surprised at how much I opened and shared and laughed with Kazim, with a male who I don’t know this is huge. It was a Beautifull experience and he is a very warm and Gifted Soul. This experience was me recieving a reading yes, but I also learnt something else about myself, that I can trust a man, that I can be open, that I can be who I am. I felt safe and held in his space, for someone disempowered by the masculine this is really a gift.


London, England

“Kazim’s reading of my Life Path was extraordinary. Immensely comprehensive, deep, and revelatory. His ability to explain the complexity and interrelationships of my soul contract was masterful and easily digestible. What a great combination! And his intuitive insights were so powerful – like Source gently tapping me on my heart and speaking to my soul. I have worked with many insightful systems over the last 30 years, and the reading is truly remarkable. Kazim is very gifted. I recommend him highly. Thank you so much Kazim!”


California, USA

Hi Kazim. Thank you for your reading. I listened to the recording tonight. It is definitely an interesting perspective on life path and physical/ spiritual parts of it.  I have learned things about myself that I have suspected in the past but could not define as well as you did. I like that every segment of reading had a logical conclusion with recommendations how to deal with certain aspects of the path/ karma.  Intuitively I feel that I must use and practice the tools you have given me in real life. Proposed duality of numbers ( negative/ positive aspects ) proves that each talent can be a curse at the same time and vise versa. Again it proves the point that a choice of path leads to future soul evolution.  God can help to make a choice by opening the window of opportunity or by giving a sign but ultimately we as humans make choices.  Anyway. This is just me take. Thanks again.


Kansas, USA

However self-aware one thinks they are (and I often like to think of myself as being incredibly self-aware), it is always a revelation to discover blind spots (which are aptly so called because you would never discover them on your own). My session with Kazim did just that for me and provided much needed clarity in my haze. And so has every conversation and dialogue I have had with Kazim since. Kazim is very helpful in not just giving you a reading but also taking you through your chart in a thoughtful and considered way with useful feedback. My reading gave me the oompf I needed to get working on my challenges and in only a matter of months I am making some progress and seeing changes. Thank you Kazim!



Kazim when you talked about the numerical reading (LPI) I didn’t know what to expect. I have always been very reserved but you soon reassured me. I found myself relaxing and interacting as you introduced various things I have experienced throughout my life. This has helped me to understand the reasons for these experiences, how they are all part of the whole pattern. Kazim   I found the whole session very interesting and enlightening.  I will try to follow your helpful suggestions. Please accept my grateful thanks.


Wimborne, England

My soul contract reading with Kazim was informative, accurate and exceptionally helpful. It was delivered with kindness and depth and Kazim had a great way to get to the core of who I am and what information would be most helpful to me. This guidance helped me enormously. Kazim also has a gift to keep you on track with the message and deliver the information in a way which is relevant  understandable and practical. I would therefore recommend him to anyone at any pivotal point in their life who feel that some grounded guidance and insight would be of benefit.”  


Buckinghamshire, England

I’ve never been a great believer in any things “reading,” as I put all my faith in God the Universe. But having met Kazim at a social gathering, where he shared a quick demo of what the numerology is about, I got curious. Searching for answers on the life situation that’s been falling apart on all fronts – from own health crisis to ruined career and marriage, and to the failing health of beloved family members all in a course of 2 years – getting clarify was critical for my own sanity. Still skeptical about the outcome, I gave the reading a try. Kazim spent a great deal of time with me over the Skype, going in details over various domains of my life. His efficiency was impressive. as he was ready to deliver the same day. Service logistics were coordinated neatly with easy navigation through the steps. He goes an extra mile as to share the session’s audio recording and helpful reading materials. Kazim’s reading made sense to me across multiple parameters of life. All he said did resonate with me. I got an “umbrella” perspective on my own nature, its strengths and weaknesses and feel more self-aware than before. I particularly appreciate exploring the aspects of karma, which I personally felt like might have been the issues, but was not certain. Above all, Kazim is a kind and empathetic soul. He can make a strong motivational figure effectively reassuring one of his/her capabilities and worth. I’ve never really understood the concept of a ‘life couch’ before, but I now I understand that’s who Kazim is. I am very pleased with the experience, and would recommend it to anyone seeking clarity and guidance in life.


Washington D.C., USA

“What I like about my numerology reading with Kazim is that he gave me an insight or pointers to my life’s lessons, the talents I was equipped with, and my life’s goals. I admit life often times felt random to me. Before the reading I was inclined to think that it is the world outside including people that influence the way I think and react. After the reading I understood, and perhaps I’m still on the journey to better understanding that the world resides within, in the heart and in the soul. I am happy that I got the reading and plan to keep listening to the recording Kazim provides with his reading. Life is a textbook and people come into our lives for a reason, which is so liberating to know.”


Washington D.C., USA

“I was amazed at how many insights Kazim’s reading of my life path revealed. Some were comforting and encouraging confirmations of what I had realized before, while others were real eye openers and “a-ha” moments that shed light on aspects of my path I had not understood or foreseen so far. Our session was a wonderful opportunity to look back and take stock of the road travelled so far and to get a sense of the path ahead, allowing me to know where I can focus my energy and where I still have much to learn. I’ve already listened to the recording a second time and can see it is a small treasure trove which I will revisit often as a source of inspiration.”


Copenhagen, Denmark